- TEAM Financial Planning Webinar: We have a reminder and a correction to provide regarding TEAM’s upcoming Financial Planning webinar, which is being held next week, in the evening on Wednesday, December 8th, from 6:00pm – 9:00pm . Please note, the length of the webinar has been extended by 30 minutes to ensure enough time to cover all topics and provide time for questions.
In this session, which is geared more to members who are mid-late career, certified financial planner, Darryl Robinson will take us through his “Top 10 Financial Planning Mistakes”, as he looks at common financial planning issues and typical mistakes people make as they plan their financial future. Topics/questions include:
- Do you have a good handle on your personal finances?
- Have you set reasonable goals and objectives?
- Are you managing credit and debt wisely?
- Are you making informed tax, RRSP and TFSA decisions?
- Do you understand your pension and other retirement incomes sources?
- Are you getting sound financial advice from reputable sources?
- Are you on the right path to a secure financial future?
- Do you have a good handle on your personal finances?
To participate in the webinar, you will need an internet connection and a device with a web browser and speakers or headphones. The platform being used for the webinars is Microsoft Teams.
If you would like to attend on Wednesday, December 8th from 6pm – 9pm, and have not yet let us know, please click here to register now. Access details will be provided via email the day of the event – please let us know if you have a personal email address you would prefer we use instead of your work email.
Important Note: TEAM is sponsoring the financial planning seminars to assist members in gaining a better understanding of the financial choices they face when planning for their retirement. The information is being shared for education purposes only, and must not be considered as investment advice. TEAM strongly recommends that members seek independent professional assistant, such as from a fee-for-service Certified Financial Planner, prior to making any significant financial moves, and in particular, where they are contemplating “cashing-out” their defined benefit pension.
- Christmas and Boxing Day “In-Lieu Days” for 2021: We have received several inquiries from members asking about “in lieu” days for Christmas Day and Boxing Day falling on a weekend this year. The situation is covered under our agreement with Bell, under Article 23.04, which states “the following working day(s) to be observed as the holiday unless the service demands require otherwise”, which means that Monday, December 27th and Tuesday, December 28th are our days off in lieu of Christmas Day and Boxing Day this year, barring exceptions due to service requirements.
- TEAM General Meeting: Our 2nd virtual General Meeting was well attended and we appreciate members’ participation. For those who were unable to attend, the meeting presentation is available here. Additionally, if you are interested in watching a recording of the meeting, please contact the TEAM Office for instructions on how to access the video. We’ve not made the recording public as it includes detailed information about our finances (this information has been removed from the linked presentation). Please let us know if you have questions on any of the topics presented or would like a copy of TEAM’s financial statement.
TEAM-IFPTE Local 161
204-984-9470 or 1-877-984-9470