In accordance with TEAM Bylaw 14 – Election Procedure, the Election Committee seeks nominations from members for the following positions on the TEAM Union Inc./TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Board:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Six Board Members

The positions of President and Vice-President are also elected as IFPTE Convention Delegates.

The TEAM Board ensures good governance and oversight in advancing the social and economic welfare of its members, negotiating such matters as compensation, conditions of work, and benefits and representing members in discussion with the employer.  The duties of the Board are mainly outlined in the Bylaws and to a lesser extent the Constitution.

The nomination form is attached.  The form must bear the signature of the Nominee and at least ten members-at-large, and must be returned to the TEAM Election Committee, TEAM Office – B2000 by November 13, 2019.


  • Board members will serve for a term of three years.
  • Board member training will take place in January.
  • The Board is required to meet a minimum of six times per year.
  • Board meetings take place at the TEAM office during normal working hours
  • Board members will be released from their work duties to attend the meetings, and TEAM shall reimburse the employer for the cost of their wages.
  • All Board positions are voluntary.