Downsizing and EVRTIP targeting Members in IT:  Hot on the heels of reporting “solid” and “strong” Q1 results across all business segments, including a 36% increase in net earnings (up to $934 million) and the best quarterly wireless organic revenue growth since 2011, Bell followed up on these gains this week by announcing a cross-country downsizing initiative and the release of an Enhanced Voluntary Retirement/Termination Incentive Package (EVRTIP) targeting up to 31 TEAM positions in IT for reduction.

We’ve been told by Bell that the reductions are being driven by the merger of IT and Network Services, and that “as IT continues to integrate with Network Services and integration projects are completed, there are synergies associated with centralizing platforms such as IVR, Routing, etc.  As these platforms are integrated in Bell Central, the delivery model and support requirements change”, resulting in job loss from TEAM.

With reports from members about ongoing excessive workloads, unrealistic expectations, and a “toxic” culture in IT, we are concerned not only of course about the outcome of this downsizing for members in targeted positions who wish to remain employed, but also for the wellbeing and mental health of their colleagues who will be left to deal with the loss of almost a quarter of their remaining IT co-workers in TEAM.

We understand that members in the targeted IT VP Group have received an email from Bell that includes a link to the voluntary departure package (EVRTIP) and members on leave have also been sent copies. The package contains a list of the targeted positions.  Members who are not in one of the targeted positions may also apply for a departure package, however, the decision to approve or deny an application rests solely with the Company.  Please contact the Bell HR or LR Consultant for your area to request a copy of the package, or email the TEAM office. The deadline to apply is 4:00 p.m. on June 7, 2022. 

Knowing the number and location of EVRTIP applicants will assist TEAM in any discussions we may have with the Company around redeployments and saving someone from being laid off.  We are therefore asking for your help in tracking and monitoring the progress of the voluntary departure program:

  • Members in targeted positions:  If you are in a targeted position, please click here and provide your name, position title, and if you intend to apply for the EVRTIP or not, or if you are currently undecided.
  • Members not in targeted positions:  If you are not in a targeted position, but intend to apply for the EVRTIP, please click here and provide your name, position title, and work group/area.

Should you wish to have a confidential discussion about your options, please email or call the TEAM office to arrange some time.

TEAM Financial and Retirement Planning Webinar: TEAM will be offering a two-part webinar on topics related to personal financial and retirement planning, presented by certified financial planner, Darryl Robinson.  The webinar is designed to assist members with EVRTIP planning and is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24th and Thursday, May 26th, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. You may attend either Part 1 or Part 2 or both (for optimum benefit, it is recommended that you attend both parts).  Here is a brief summary of the topics to be covered:

EVRTIP Part 1:  Planning and Preparation (3 hrs)

  •    Review and assessment of your current situation
  •    “How much is enough?”
  •     Understanding your retirement income sources
  •     General tax planning and strategies
  •     RRSPs – Basics and Tips

EVRTIP Part 2:  Implementation and Strategies (3 hrs)

  • RRSPs – Retiring Allowances and EVRTIP Planning
  • Retirement income planning: RRIFs, TFSAs, Annuities and other sources
  • Commuted value vs monthly pension overview
  • General pension pointers
  • Dealing with the investment community: Basics and Consumer Tips

To participate, you will need a network attached device with a web browser and speakers or headphones. The platform being used for the webinar is Microsoft Teams.

The webinar is open to all TEAM members; however, as there are a limited number of spots available, priority will be given to signed members whose positions are targeted in the current EVRTIP and who did not attend last year’s departure planning session in February.  Please note that depending on the interest/response level, additional sessions may be added.

If you are interested in attending, please register by clicking on the corresponding link(s) above – please register for both parts if you wish to attend  both.

Important Note:  TEAM is sponsoring the financial planning seminars to assist members in gaining a better understanding of the financial choices they face when planning for their retirement.  The information is being shared for education purposes only, and must not be considered as investment advice.  TEAM strongly recommends that members seek independent professional assistant, such as from a fee-for-service Certified Financial Planner, prior to making any significant financial moves, and in particular, where they are contemplating “cashing-out” their defined benefit pension.

Scholarship Reminders: There is still time to apply for this year’s IFPTE Dominick D. Critelli, Jr. Annual Scholarships.  Every year, the IFPTE awards four scholarships of $2,500 USD each to children or grandchildren of IFPTE members who wish to continue their education beyond high school. Applications must be postmarked or submitted electronically on or before May 15, 2022. Last year, a child of a TEAM member was one of the winners – let’s try to extend the winning streak for another year!

Another scholarship opportunity available to TEAM members is the MFL Al and Alma Cerilli Scholarship. This $1,000 award is offered annually by the Manitoba Federation of Labour’s Young Members Committee to a member of an affiliated union under the age of 35 to assist in advancing their post-secondary education. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2022.

Look for applications for this year’s TEAM Scholarships to be sent out in August.

IFPTE WSN Speaker Series on Inclusion and Pride: 2SLGBTQI+ Solidarity: TEAM and the IFPTE’s Women’s Solidarity Network invite you to attend an online presentation/discussion on Inclusion and Pride: 2SLGBTQI+ Solidarity, as part of the WSN’s 8th Women & Unions International Speaker Series during Pride Month.  This event will explore 2SLGBTQI+ rights and features renowned human rights and labour lawyer, Susan Ursel, who has played a pivotal role in 2SLGBTQI+ advocacy in Canada.  A timely and lively discussion is anticipated as participants build on their awareness, understand the struggles experienced by 2SLGBTQI+ persons, and learn about how to show solidarity in the workplace.  The call will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. TEAM will release a limited number of members from their work duties and reimburse the Company for the time to attend. If you are interested in attending, please click here

This is a union sponsored online event organized for and open to all IFPTE members to apply to attend. Live captioning available. If you require accommodation or have questions about the event, please contact

TEAM-IFPTE Local 161

204-984-9470 or 1-877-984-9470

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