News and Memos

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Recent News

New and Noteworthy

Recent TEAM focus group - thank you to the seven TEAM members who shared their knowledge and perspective at the November 20th focus group. The discussion was lead by TEAM's Labour Relations Officer, Gordon Lillie, with support from me, Katherine Johnson, TEAM's...

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New and Noteworthy

TEAM Annual General Meetings - This week we held AGM meetings in Winnipeg at the Masonic Centre on Corydon Avenue and the Fairmont Hotel on Lombard Street. Here is the link to the Presentation. Everyone who attended one of the meetings was entered in the door prize...

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We invite members to take a break and join us for a hot dog, drink, and bag of chips at one of the two upcoming events in Winnipeg.  To register your attendance, please click the RSVP link for the location you wish to attend.  Please advise if you have...

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New TEAM Executive Director and Staff Updates

New TEAM Executive Director: The TEAM Board is pleased to announce the hire of our new Executive Director, Katherine Johnson.  Katherine has strong skills for board management, customer service, operations, finance and accounting and mentoring employees and...

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VRTIP Results and Layoffs

Now that Bell has provided notice to all affected individuals, we are able to share the results of this recent round of job reductions from our union, which unfortunately includes fifteen TEAM members being laid off by Bell.  Eight members in the Information...

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New and Noteworthy

Current TEAM Downsizing and VRTIP:  We are still waiting to receive the final results of the current VRTIP program from Bell.  We understand that the majority of applicants have already been advised of the outcome of their applications, including all of those that...

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Calendar of Events



Downsizing of Manitoba Workforce

Yesterday Bell announced that it is looking to eliminate up to 22 positions in TEAM’s bargaining unit, with departure dates between November 9th and December 31st.  The targeted positions are in Network Services, Marketing Communications, Residential &...

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Call for Nominations – TEAM Board Positions

In accordance with TEAM Bylaw 14 - Election Procedure, the Election Committee seeks nominations from members for the following positions on the TEAM Union Inc./TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Board: PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerSix Board Members The positions of...

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New & Noteworthy

Pay FAQ: Below we answer frequently asked questions from members regarding their pay: When will we receive our pay increase and retroactive pay?  The new pay rates came into effect for all members “on staff” as of September 20, 2019, retroactive to February...

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Reminder: TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Annual Scholarships

Applications for TEAM-IFPTE Local 161 Annual Scholarships must be received at the TEAM office by end of day, Monday September 16, 2019. For details of the awards and eligibility criteria for members and dependent children click here.

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Final Offer – Vacation and Banking Examples

The changes in the Final Offer relating to vacation and the banking of vacation credits have given rise to numerous questions from the membership. The below seven examples will hopefully answer many of those questions. Select a situation that best matches your...

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Joining TEAM

If you would like to know more about unions for managers, supervisors and professionals, and how TEAM can assist you and your colleagues, give us a call or email for a confidential no obligation discussion.

Erin Spencer
Cell: 204-791-9395

Let's keep in touch.

Professionals representing professionals

TEAM-IFPTE Local 161

200 - 1 Wesley Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4C6

Phone: 204-984-9470
Toll Free: 1-877-984-9470
FAX: (204) 231-2809

TEAM is an affiliate of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), AFL-CIO & CLC. Established on July 1, 1918, the IFPTE is a diverse labour union advocating on behalf of more than 80,000 women and men in professional, technical, administrative and associated occupations in Canada and the United States.