Older News

EVRTIP Update and DB Pension Planning Webinar

EVRTIP Update: Although TEAM does not yet have the ‘official’ results of the recent EVRTIP package, several members report receiving a response to their application earlier today.  We realize the results will come as a relief for some and a disappointment for others....

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EVRTIP Deadline and Next Steps

The window for applying to the current EVRTIP package closes tomorrow (March 2nd) at 4:00 pm.  With March 9th stated as the targeted departure date in the package, we expect members will know the results of their application within a few days of the closing.  We...

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New and Noteworthy

Job Reductions:  Further to Bell’s February 1st announcement to implement more job reductions in Manitoba, we would like to remind members who are considering applying for the current EVRTIP package, that the deadline to apply is 4:00 pm, March 2nd. To assist TEAM in...

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Financial and Retirement Planning Seminars

Starting next week, TEAM will be holding two webinars on topics relating to personal financial and retirement planning, presented by Darryl Robinson. The webinars are open to all TEAM members to attend. The first webinar is a two-part series designed to assist members...

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TEAM Job Reductions

 Earlier this week, in the midst of a global pandemic and only a few days past the big January 28th "Let’s Talk" event in support of mental health, Bell implemented another downsizing initiative impacting TEAM members.  Up to 35 TEAM positions are targeted.  Eight...

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New and Noteworthy

March 2020 EVRTIP Cancelled: For members who have not yet heard the news, the March 2020 EVRTIP package that was put on hold due to the pandemic has been officially cancelled.  Bell advises that all applications submitted prior to the EVRTIP being put on hold will not...

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2020 Scholarship Award Winners

The 2020 TEAM Scholarships had to be handled a bit differently thanks to COVID-19, but we were able to ensure our winners received their scholarship cheques, framed certificates, and even ensured they had enough time to submit a photo if they wanted to!! Here are the...

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New and Noteworthy

Claiming Expenses for Working from Home due to COVID-19: Good news for members working from home due to the pandemic, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has simplified the process for employees to claim home office expenses, including a new temporary flat rate method...

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New and Noteworthy

General Meeting & Greetings from the IFPTE:  Our first virtual General Meeting was held successfully on November 19th. We appreciate the members who were able to attend and spend their lunch hour with us.  For those who were unable to attend, the meeting...

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Joining TEAM

If you would like to know more about unions for managers, supervisors and professionals, and how TEAM can assist you and your colleagues, give us a call or email for a confidential no obligation discussion.

Erin Spencer
Cell: 204-791-9395
Email: espencer@ifpte.org

Let's keep in touch.

Professionals representing professionals

TEAM-IFPTE Local 161

200 - 1 Wesley Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4C6

Phone: 204-984-9470
Toll Free: 1-877-984-9470
FAX: (204) 231-2809
E-mail: team@teamunion.mb.ca

TEAM is an affiliate of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), AFL-CIO & CLC. Established on July 1, 1918, the IFPTE is a diverse labour union advocating on behalf of more than 80,000 women and men in professional, technical, administrative and associated occupations in Canada and the United States.